Online Practice 2012/4/3

Hi class,

This week we talked about the contribution of Jane Goodall and we learnt that she devoted to trying to make a big difference through lecturing and writing to share her belief around the world. She’s so admirable and worth respecting. What’s more, we practiced listening for (1) gist and (2) detail, and some expressions like “What!", “Well, S+V…", and “I just …" are included in yesterday’s lesson. You can find these in many conversations/dialogues, and I hope our “highlight" can help you understand your listening more. And don’t forget we also read two pieces of latest new, the demolition of the Wang family as well as the over-heating iPad problems form CNN news. These things will help you accelerate your learning and let’s learn English well.

Today’s lesson:

  1. Lesson 5 (Reading)
  2. New English 4
  3. Listening Practice: listening for gist and detail
  4. Listening activity: finding key words


  1. Review Lesson 5
  2. Listen to the MP3 files/songs (email attachment)
  3. Preview Lesson 6: vocabulary (quiz bank)
  4. Online Practice
  • Since next week, we will have class on Saturday morning from 9:00 am to 12:00 am.

Online Practice:

Task 1: In the reading passage, you have learnt Jane Goodall very well, but there are still some names and organizations you are not familiar with. Try to find the following information, and write down what you read. Besides, you should write down the words you don’t know when you find the answers. (下次會考)

  • Jane Goodall
  • Dian Fossey
  • Biruté Galdikas
  • Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve
  • Chimpanzee Guardian Project
  • Roots and Shoots

Task 2: Reading Comprehension

1. Which animal is genetically related to humans? (A) The gorilla.  (B) The angel.  (C) The koala.  (D) The dolphin.

2.  Which is NOT true about Jane Goodall? (A) All Goodall cares about is the survival of chimpanzees.  (B) She won respect not only from chimp experts but also amateurs. (C) She left her hometown to pursue primate research in faraway places.  (D) She has played an active role in the conservation of chimpanzees for many years.

3.  What is the goal of the centers established by Jane Goodall? (A) To promote world peace.  (B) To work for the survival of wildlife.  (C) To raise money to help wild and zoo animals.  (D) To better understand the behavior of chimpanzees.

4. Which of the following is true?  (A) The program Roots and Shoots is designed for people of all ages. (B) The shelters created by Goodall are established for dying animals. (C) The reason why chimpanzees are dying out is due to deforestation.  (D) The unethical treatment of animals in zoos and labs is one of Goodall’s beliefs.

5. What can we infer from the passage? (A) As a wildlife researcher, Leakey is not respected.  (B) Today Leakey’s Angels are more famous than Leakey. (C) Leakey had a great influence on the study of early humans. (D) Leakey showed a great concern for the conservation of wildlife.

6. What’s Jane Goodall’s contribution? (7 items)

Task 3: Cloze Test

Task 4: We have read many articles related to “animal protection/conservation”. Can you make a list of relevant vocabularies of yourself? You can write down words both English and Chinese to check your understanding.


對「Online Practice 2012/4/3」的一則回應

    • 帥哥我不是說不要完全從網站剪下貼上嗎?要試著找出重要的資訊,培養自己抓出main idea(gist)的能力,還有阿,你這些都是中文耶,我們不是上英文課嗎?(昏倒狀)

  1. Jane Goodall:珍古德是名聞遐邇,譽滿全球的黑猩猩研究者及代言人,她也是一位感性的科學家。
    從兩歲時得到第一個心愛的黑猩猩玩偶起,命運就注定要把她的一生和黑猩猩的生命永遠牢繫在一起。二十三歲時她到非洲肯亞及坦桑尼亞等地,開始過著與黑猩猩 朝夕共處、與世隔絕的研究生活,對這種和我們人類具有百分之九十八相同基因的野生動物族群之行為、生態、社會結構及保育問題累積許多寶貴的資料與心得。其 偉大的研究成果讓我們對黑猩猩有較完整的認識,對於探討人類的演化也有極大助益。
    在珍古德眼中,每一隻黑猩猩都是充滿感情、純真、創造力及高度智慧,並且應該獲得尊重,和我們每一個人一樣享有基本生存權力的個體。近年來她雖已自野外調 查崗位退休,但是為了拯救黑猩猩的野生棲地、杜絕黑猩猩的非法交易及各種虐待或不當醫藥試驗行為,她到處奔走演講、呼籲及募款,並在各國成立珍古德基金 會,散播保護野生動物及自然環境的教育種子。另外,基於對非洲的長期瞭解及關懷,她也一直為非洲國家的貧窮、人口膨脹、森林保護及水土保持等問題提出解決 建議及行動。由於她的慈愛、毅力及無私奉獻,很多人將她和泰瑞莎修女相提並論,給予甚高的評價及尊崇。她的重要著作包括「崗比的黑猩猩」、「大地的窗 口」、「人類的陰影下」、「黑猩猩悲歌」及「與牠為伴-非洲叢林三十年」等。
    Dian Fossey:「當你瞭解整個生命的價值時,就不會沈湎於過去,反而致力於未來的保存。」 “When you realize the value of all life, you dwell less on what is past and concentrate on the preservation of the future."
    這是黛安弗西(Dian Fossey)留給世人的最後一句話,或者只是留給她自己的,無論如何我們已無從得知,因為這句話取自於她日記的最後一段,是1985年12月26日她喪身前不久寫下的,地點正是在她創設於非洲盧安達「Karisoke研究中心」的小屋內。那一年她53歲,是她在非洲的第十八年。
    戴安的死因至今不明,但是她在非洲從事的「山地大猩猩(金剛)」(mountain gorilla)的研究與保育工作,早已隨著《迷霧中的大猩猩》(Gorillas in the Mist)一書的問世,以及之後依據此書與她的事蹟改編之同名電影(中文譯成「迷霧森林十八年」)而舉世聞名,她和從事黑猩猩保育與研究的珍古德(Jane Goodall)、紅毛猩猩保育學者碧露蒂高蒂卡絲(Birute Galdikas)被譽為「科學界的天使」與「猩猩的守護神」,實際上這三人和猩猩之間的相似事蹟並不只是巧合而已,她們都出自人類學家理基(Louis Leakey)博士門下。

    黛安1980年著手寫《迷霧中的大猩猩》時,大猩猩數量只剩250隻,其中已經不包含她最鍾愛的小猩猩Digit,牠在數年前遭到獵殺。但就是因為Digit的死,黛安開始大力推動猩猩的保育工作,於1978年創立了以Digit為名的基金會(Digit Fund)。同樣也是因為Digit的死,國家地理雜誌以此為封面故事,做了一連串深入報導。傳媒力量無遠弗屆,募集了大量捐款,這筆錢讓黛安的基金會得以持續運作,致力於山地猩猩的研究與保育工作。1978年基金會成立之際,山地大猩猩的數量大約有650隻,到了1980年,僅餘250隻,不需探究,也可以想見在這樣的景況下,要繼續堅持理想有多麼艱難,不知黛安是如何走出昔日好友們被自己同類獵殺的陰霾,也很難想像她如何將這種生活經驗轉化成堅持下去的動力。也許,這只是她的選擇,選擇去相信不可預見的未來,那是她為自己生命認定的價值。
    黛安死後3年,她的故事被搬上大銀幕,成為好萊塢的賣座電影。1992 年基金會(Digit Fund)更名為黛安弗西大猩猩基金會(Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International, 簡稱DFGFI),繼續推動黛安創立的Karisoke研究中心的工作,現今盧安達山林的大猩猩數量已穩定回升中。另外要補充的是,雪歌妮維弗在拍完電影之後,深受黛安的事蹟感動,因而大力支持該基金會,今日她已是基金會的榮譽主席。
    「如果黛安依舊健在,今日盧安達的山林裡,大猩猩是否會過著另一種生活,有著不同的命運?」這是我原本想問的問題,後來發現並不需要問。在這裡恕我為黛安的一生寫下另一個註腳,和她留給我們的稍有出入”The past is never dead, it isn’t even past.”(中譯大概是:「過去從未消逝,它甚至根本沒有過去。」如果我沒記錯的話,此語應該出自威廉福克納,我第一次看到時的震撼與感動,就像我在黛安的網站上讀到她日記裡的最後一句話一樣,獻給她,也獻給真正懂得生命價值的人們。)
    <<<<這篇我原本有把廢畫圈起來 但是連續2次上傳失敗 小郭加油- -!!!

  2. Biruté Galdikas:研究紅毛猩腥的世界級專家嘉蒂卡斯(Birute Galdikas,她是著名人類學家李奇三個有名的女弟子之一)曾說,紅毛猩猩運用語言的能力,大概等同於三歲的人類孩童。她提起在一九七八年,有個學生沙必諾(Gary Shapira)教一隻叫蕾妮(Rinnie)的紅毛母猩猩手語,牠進步神速,有一天,蕾妮牽起沙必諾的手,想引誘他,被他推開了,從那以後,蕾妮傷心極了,再不肯學手語。

  3. Chimpanzee Guardian Project:???
    Roots and Shoots:根與芽簡介
    一、甚麼是根與芽計畫(Roots & Shoots Program)?
    珍古德協會(The Jane Goodall Institute)相信世界的未來掌握在年輕一代的手中。
    本著這樣的理念,珍古德協會1991年在東非坦上尼亞(Tanzania)的三蘭港(Dar es Salaam)。
    1. 加強對一切生物的尊重與關懷
    2. 促進不同文化以及信仰的理解
    3. 鼓勵人們採取行動,讓動物、環境以及彼此的世界更加美好。
    1. 主動了解環境,主動關懷環境、並且與環境產生良好的互動,以達到改善環境的目的。
    2. 主動關懷所有的動物
    3. 透過珍古德協會的國際聯絡網路,加強對不同文化、經濟、種族、信仰、國家的了解。
    4. 協助年輕人發展自信心及自尊,建立他們對未來的希望。

  4. 彭哥的作業:
    Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve:岡貝保留區
    2.坦尚尼亞由坦噶尼喀(大陸)和桑給巴爾(島)兩部分組成,領土總面積為94.5萬多平方公里(其中桑給巴爾2657平方公里)。位於非洲東部、赤道以南,北與肯亞和烏干達交界,南與尚比亞、馬拉維、莫三比克接壤,西與盧安達、蒲隆地和剛果(金)為鄰,東瀕印度洋。西北高,東南低,呈階梯狀。東部沿海為低地,西部內陸高原面積佔內陸總面積一半以上,東非大裂谷從馬拉維湖分東西兩支縱貫南北。東北部的乞力馬扎羅山的基博峰海拔5895米,是非洲最高峰。主要河流有魯菲季(長1400公里)、潘加尼、魯伏、瓦米等。湖泊眾多,有維多利亞湖、坦噶尼喀湖和馬拉維湖等。東部沿海地區和內陸的部分低地屬熱帶草原氣候,西部內陸高原屬熱帶山地氣候,涼爽而乾燥。大部分地區平均氣溫21~ 25℃。桑給巴爾的20多個島嶼屬熱帶海洋性氣候,終年濕熱,年平均氣溫26℃。

  5. 1.B
    17.B alike??

  6. Task 1
    1960 年,在李基博士的建議下,珍開始進行一項研究計畫,到坦尚尼亞 (Tanzania) 境內岡貝溪保留區 (Gombe Stream Reserve) 的坦葛尼喀湖 (Lake Tanganyika),研究棲息於湖區的野生黑猩猩
    Task 2: Reading Comprehension
    1-5ADDDD 6.(1)she set up centers for animal welfare and conservation(2)she launched the campaign Chimpanzee Guardian Project(3)the halfway house(4)the Roots and Shoots(5)she showed concern for the conditions of animals in the zoo(6)she advocates that researchers should study them in a humane way(7)少一個 找不到…
    Task 3: Cloze Test
    • Task 4
    • ecolodge生態渡假屋
    Eco Hotel生態飯店
    Eco Village生態度假村
    Eco Resort生態休閒旅館
    Eco Lodge生態小屋
    ecobiogeography 生物生態地理學
    eco-chemicals 生態化學品;生態化合物
    ecoclimate 生態氣候
    ecocline 續變生態群落;生態差型
    ecocycling 生態循環
    ecodeme 生態群
    ecoenergetics 生態能量論
    ecogenesis 生態發生


    • 帥哥你第一個不對喔~

      • 珍古德於1934年4月3日出生在英國倫敦,並成長於英格蘭的南方海岸Bournemouth。




        珍古德童年最喜歡的書是關於動物方面的,包括Dr. Doolittle的故事、叢林的故事、關於泰山的書。




  7. Jane Goodall
    Dame Jane Morris Goodall, DBE (born Valerie Jane Morris-Goodall on 3 April 1934), is a British primatologist, ethologist, anthropologist, and UN Messenger of Peace. Considered to be the world’s foremost expert on chimpanzees, Goodall is best known for her 45-year study of social and family interactions of wild chimpanzees in Gombe Stream National Park, Tanzania. She is the founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and has worked extensively on conservation and animal welfare issues.
    Dian Fossey
    Dian Fossey ( January 16, 1932– December 27, 1985) was an American zoologist who undertook an extensive study of gorilla groups over a period of 18 years. She studied them daily in the mountain forests of Rwanda , initially encouraged to work there by famous anthropologist Louis Leakey . She was murdered in 1985; the case remains open. Called one of the foremost primatologists in the world while she was alive, Fossey, along with Jane Goodall and Birutė Galdikas, was part of the so-called Leakey’s Angels,
    黛安•福賽(1月16日,1932年- 1985年12月27日)是美國動物學家進行了廣泛的研究 超過18年期間的大猩猩群體。她的研究,他們每天在山林盧旺達,最初鼓勵有工作由著名人類學家 路易斯•利基。她於1985年被謀殺的案件仍然開放。被稱為世界上的最重要的靈長類動物學家之一,而她是活著的,Fossey,簡•古德爾和BirutėGaldikas,是一部分的所謂利基的天使。
    Biruté Galdikas
    born 10 May 1946, is a primatologist , conservationist , ethologist , and author of several books relating to the endangered orangutan , particularly the Bornean orangutan .
    生於1946年5月10日,是1 靈長類動物,保育,生態學家,和有關的幾本書的作者瀕危 猩猩,尤其是婆羅洲猩猩。在現代靈長類領域而聞名,Galdikas對猩猩的領導權威的認可。她猩猩領域研究之前,科學家們知道小有關物種。

    Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve
    Gombe Stream’s high levels of diversity make it an increasingly popular tourist destination. Besides chimpanzees, primates inhabiting Gombe Stream include beachcomber olive baboons , red-tailed monkeys and vervet monkeys . The park is also home to over 200 bird species and bushpigs . There are also 11 species of snakes , and occasional hippopotamus and leopards . Visitors to the park can trek into the forest to view the chimpanzees, as well as swim and snorkel in Lake Tanganyika with almost 100 kinds of colorful cichlid fish.
    岡貝溪的高層次的多樣性,使其越來越受歡迎的旅遊目的地。除了 黑猩猩,靈長類動物的棲息貢貝流來襲橄欖狒狒,紅尾 猴和黑臉猴子。公園也超過200 種鳥的家和bushpigs。也有11種蛇,偶爾河馬和豹子。公園的遊客可以徒步進入森林查看的黑猩猩,以及游泳和浮潛,與近100種豐富多彩的坦噶尼喀湖的慈鯛魚
    Chimpanzee Guardian Project
    Roots and Shoots
    To implement positive change through active learning about, caring for and interacting with the environment.
    To demonstrate care and concern for all animals.
    To enhance understanding among individuals of different cultures, ethnic groups, religions, socio-economic levels and nations through our global communications network.

    To help young people develop self-respect, confidence in themselves and hope for the future.

  8. (A)1. Which animal is genetically related to humans? (A) The gorilla. (B) The angel. (C) The koala. (D) The dolphin.
    (B)2. Which is NOT true about Jane Goodall? (A) All Goodall cares about is the survival of chimpanzees. (B) She won respect not only from chimp experts but also amateurs. (C) She left her hometown to pursue primate research in faraway places. (D) She has played an active role in the conservation of chimpanzees for many years.
    (D)3. What is the goal of the centers established by Jane Goodall? (A) To promote world peace. (B) To work for the survival of wildlife. (C) To raise money to help wild and zoo animals. (D) To better understand the behavior of chimpanzees.
    (C)4. Which of the following is true? (A) The program Roots and Shoots is designed for people of all ages. (B) The shelters created by Goodall are established for dying animals. (C) The reason why chimpanzees are dying out is due to deforestation. (D) The unethical treatment of animals in zoos and labs is one of Goodall’s beliefs.
    (D)5. What can we infer from the passage? (A) As a wildlife researcher, Leakey is not respected. (B) Today Leakey’s Angels are more famous than Leakey. (C) Leakey had a great influence on the study of early humans. (D) Leakey showed a great concern for the conservation of wildlife.
    6. What’s Jane Goodall’s contribution? (7 items)
    1. She set up centers for animal welfareand conservation.
    2. she launched the campaign Chimpanzee Guardian Project.
    3. Many halfway houses were established for injured or orphaned chimpanzees found in the wild.
    4. She also founded the organization named Roots and Shoots to offer school children an extensive knowledge of wild animals and conservation of the environment, hoping they would make a big difference to the world.
    5. she showed concern for the conditions of animals in zoos.
    6. she advocates that researchers should study them in a humane way.
    7. Goodall spends most of her time lecturing and writing to share her belief and encourage people for a better future of wildlife as well as humankind.

  9. 1. B
    2. A
    3. B
    4. D
    5. B
    6. A
    7. D
    8. B
    9. A
    10. B
    11. B
    12. B
    13. D
    14. A
    15. B
    16. B
    17. B
    18. A
    19. D
    20. C

  10. destruction破壞
    animal welfare動物福利

  11. 我昏倒了這不是英文課怎麼你們都找中文的沒有整理過的資料給我阿?

  12. 1.set up centers for animal welfare and conservation
    2.launched the campaign Chimpanzee Guardian Project
    3.the halfway house for injured or orphaned chimpanzees found in the wild
    4.Roots and Shoots
    5.showed concern for the conditions of animals in the zoos
    6.she advocates that researchers should study them in a humane way
    7.she spends most of her time lecturing and writing to share her belief and enourage people for a better future of wildlife as well as humankind

  13. behavior行為
    agriculture農業, 農耕
    edge邊, 棱; 邊緣
    plight境況; 困境, 苦境
    established已建立的; 已確立的; 已制定的

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